FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Spooky Side of Machine Learning
Struggling with last minute costume ideas? This machine learning program has studied thousands of ensambles to generate the most unheard of combinations – an example of AI’s eerie prediction capabilities.
FROM PSYCHOLOGY TODAY: New Theory of Intelligence May Disrupt AI and Neuroscience
Neuroscientists are still working to uncover the many mysteries of the human brain, which can both trick and treat the countless machine learning programs trying to impersonate the elusive organ.
FROM THE VERGE: Christie’s Sells Its First AI Portrait for $432,500, Beating Estimates of $10,000
A machine learning algorithm used its extensive knowledge of historical paintings to conjure up an original portrait of its own – and mystified the audience by selling for 40X more than its asking price.
FROM FORBES: How Do We Address the Reproducibility Crisis in Artificial Intelligence?
The bewitching science behind machine learning is leaving some skeptical about the technology’s ability to recreate successful results – pushing new advancements to be more accountable than ever.