Can the Internet bring traffic to your car dealership? Certainly – but what you really want to know is how much, how fast, and how targeted that traffic will be. As Todd Cahan, Managing Partner of Max Madsen Mitsubishi, discovered, not all Internet advertising is created equal. Plus, what worked a few years ago might not cut it anymore.
Max Madsen Mitsubishi is one of the largest and best-known Mitsubishi dealers in the Chicago market. Todd has been responsible for their marketing for close to 20 years, and favors Internet advertising. In fact, the dealership was’s very first customer in 1998. But Todd tracks his dealership’s marketing results carefully and, over time, he began to see that traditional digital marketing solutions “were becoming less and less effective.”
In need of a change, Todd came to LotLinx in the fall of 2014. He explained, LotLinx “is more creative and sophisticated in the way that they’re driving visitors directly to the vehicle detail pages (VDPs) of our site. Basically, they’ve figured out how to target market-specific vehicles to specific shoppers, and they’re doing it effectively. They even have one of the lowest bounce rates of any of our referrers to our website. When visitors come to the VDP pages of our cars, they’re sticking to it.”
Today, Todd regularly targets results to particular models and even particular cars. He has seen a 100% increase in sales velocity in a single month, steady sales over time, and more than $13,000 saved on inventory holding costs per month. Read the full story here.